Master of Science in Agriculture
Upgrade your skills and develop your expertise with science-based agricultural studies through UNE's Master of Science in Agriculture. Our flexible program of specialist coursework allows you to steer your studied towards your interests and shape the direction of your career within the agricultural industry. We offer a range of specialisations, including animal science, meat science, genetics and animal breeding, and agronomy and soil science.
Tư vấn miễn phí
Khởi đầu hành trình du học với chương trình Diploma
Hình thức học tập
Thông tin tuyển sinh
Students from the age of 16 and above; IELTS 6.0 (academic)
Học phí
Học bổng
Opportunity to receive a scholarship up to 30% with TNE Global in Vietnam.
Điều kiện nhập học
Scholarship ranging from 20% to 50% of tuition fee. Based on high school academic results and a recognized English proficiency certificate such as IELTS (Academic) or passing the entrance exam from the institution.
Cấu trúc chương trình
To qualify for the award a candidate admitted under Rule (a) must pass units to the value of 96 credit points including not more than 18 credit points at 100-level, not more than 18 credit points at 200-level and at least 36 credit points at 500-level. To qualify for the award a candidate admitted under Rule (b) or (c) must pass units to the value of 96 credit points including 36 credit points at 500-level.
Kết quả học tập
Trò chuyện với đội ngũ cố vấn để xây dựng lộ trình học tập cho riêng bạn